Application form for fully funded expenses for ESWW19 and E-SWAN School
This call is only open to students (especially master and doctoral students) who are studying in a developing country defined as countries eligible to receive official development assistance by the OECD). Applications opened on 26th May 2023 and will remain open until 29th of June 2023. Applications will be reviewed by the local ESWW2023 committee by early July. Applicants should not register for ESWW19 and possibly the E-SWAN school until they have received notification of acceptance from the committee via email.
This financial support covers the costs of registration fees, travel, accommodation and per diem in Toulouse during the ESWW. All travel and accommodation bookings will be made by IRAP, CNRS. Once selected you will be contacted directly by the LOC to proceed with the preparation of your travel.
This financial support is made possible by the precious support that we received from the French Space Agency CNES, the University of Toulouse, the European Space Agency, the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association (E-SWAN), and the SCOSTEP PRESTO (PREdictability of variable Solar-Terrestrial cOupling) initiative.
The application file must contain in a single pdf the following forms:
- the completed Identification Form provided at this link: Identification Form
- a CV
- your abstract submitted to ESWW 2023 (retractable if you are not selected)
- a proof of registration at the university with the degree currently taken
- a letter of motivation
- a letter of recommendation (although not required, it is strongly recommended)
For any further questions please contact Frédéric Pitout: fpitout[at]
Upload your single .pdf application file containing all the above-listed documents through the following form: