Poster presentations
Poster size: portrait A0 (80 cm x 120 cm) on poster boards with dimensions 96×235 cm (Dimensions)
There will be 2 poster sessions throughout the week (see schedule):
Posters I:
- Corresponding scientific sessions: P02, P04, SWR01, SWR02, SWR03, CD02, CD08, CD09
- Display time: Monday 09:00 – Wednesday 13:00
- Authors in attendance time: Monday 16:15-17:00, Tuesday 10:15-11:45, Wednesday 10:15-11:45
Posters II
- Corresponding scientific sessions: P01, P03, SWR04, SWR05, SWR06, CD01, CD03, CD04, CD05, CD06, CD07
- Display time: Wednesday 14:00 – Friday 12:00
- Authors in attendance time: Thursday 10:15-11:45, Friday 10:15-11:45
All poster presentations (In Person and Virtual) are to be displayed in the Caravalle Hall of Baudis Conference Center AND on the ESWW2023 website as part of the program. These are called DISPLAYs and are to be available to both in-person and online participants through the online program.
Displays may be:
- a weblink which navigates to the presentation of the poster/research (e.g. document or a video)
- a pdf document which can be downloaded directly from ESWW2023 website (note that the pdf must be smaller than 5MB). The subject of your email and your file name should be as follows: Session_Surname_Virtual.pdf, for example: 100CD01_Einstein_Virtual.pdf
Presenters are advised to send their display to the LOC (esww2023[at] by November 3rd otherwise we cannot guarantee timely inclusion in the program.
In person presenters:
Posters will be displayed and presented in the Caravelle poster hall on portrait-layout poster boards with dimensions 96×235 cm (Dimensions). All poster presenters are to take down their posters after their designated display time has ended.ll posters remaining after their designated display time will be treated as disposable waste.
Online presenters:
We offer to online presenters the possibility to print their poster free of charge and display the poster in the Poster Hall during the associated sessions.
Note that there is no special communication platform planned for the poster sessions; however, there is a dedicated discussion session on Thursday afternoon (18:00-19:30) in the Cassiopée Room of the Baudis conference center, during which authors of virtual posters can exchange with on-site participants. Therefore, all poster presenters are advised to highlight their contact details on their posters so that they can be contacted by interested parties and organise their own Zoom session. On-site participants will be able to use the Cassiopée Room for this Zoom session.