Oral presentations
All presenters
– all presentations will be run through the Baudis conference center IT facility as well as Zoom
– screen size in all the rooms: widescreen (16:9)
– are encouraged to join their session at least 10 minutes in advance to check that their presentation is present, of proper quality and runs smoothly
Online speakers
– will run their presentation through Zoom using ‘share screen’ option: the Zoom links for each session will be sent out a week before the conference to all participants.
– should send their presentation at least 24 hours before the session starts in ppt or pdf form to the LOC (esww2023[at]gmail.com). The title of your email and your file should be named as follows: Session_Surname_Virtual.pdf, for example: 100CD01_Einstein_Virtual.pdf
In person speakers
– must upload their presentation at least 12 hours before their session starts in ppt or pdf format in the Speaker Ready Room located on the first floor of the conference venue in the Latécoère Room.
Monday sessions: If the session of your oral presentation is on Monday and you cannot come to the conference venue on Sunday to upload your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room, please send us your presentation via email at esww2023[at]gmail.com and we will upload your presentation in the system for you. The subject of your email and the name of your file should be as follows: Session_Surname_Virtual.pdf or Session_Surname_Virtual.ppt, for example: 100CD01_Einstein_InPerson.pdf
– are encouraged to keep a backup of their presentation with them, preferably on USB or other portable device or to be ready to run the presentation from their own device.
Keep in mind
Not all online participants have the same bandwidth. Zoom adapts to low bandwidth by degrading the video first, trying to keep the audio continuous. Therefore, if you plan to show high resolution images and/or movies not everyone might be able to see them clearly.
Speaker-Ready Room Opening Hours:
- Sunday: 16h – 18h
- Monday to Thursday: 8h-19h non stop (open during lunch breaks)
- Friday 8h à 14h non stop (open during lunch breaks)